Applied, Technical and Industrial Metrology
Metrology, the science of measurement, is fundamental for ensuring accurate and consistent measurements.
Applied, technical and industrial metrology is concerned with the application of measurement to manufacturing and other processes and their use in society, ensuring the suitability of measurement instruments, their calibration and quality control.
Bavarian Consultants are here to support your organization with the following services:
For the LABs:
Peer-review support to gain ISO 17025 accreditation and international recognition, enhancing the credibility of your Measurement Standards Laboratory (MSL) measurement capabilities.
For the Industry and production:
Production of accurate and precise measurements as it has an impact on the value and quality of the end product, and a great impact on production costs.
Traceability of the measuring-device calibration is necessary to ensure confidence in the measurement.
Our Clients rates us among the best on the following areas:
Development of measurement - calibration methods and procedures.
Determination of the measurement accuracy.
Establish Metrological traceability to national standards.
Evaluation of Measurement uncertainty.
Our services include but are not limited to:
-Measurements Methodology Definition.
-Matching of Product specification to Product Requirements and Test Methodology, down to Product Testing and feedback analysis.
-Optimization of product lines.
Areas of application: Medical, Military, Aviation, Automotive and Consumer Electronics.